Training Effective Communication Skills for Managing Conflict & Confrontation

Training Effective Communication Skills for Managing Conflict & Confrontation

Seminar presents an exciting, innovative, solutions-driven approach to the inevitable conflicts that arise at work and at home. You’ll discover practical, proven alternatives that you can harness in the most difficult, frustrating situations.

Conflict, strife, and opposing points of view are part of the workplace and part of life; you can’t change that. But you can change the way you react and manage conflict when it does occur. After this transforming seminar, you’ll see an incredible, positive change in yourself (and everyone around you will notice it, too)!

Enroll today, and you’ll be the master of your own emotions and the calm in the center of the storm.


  • How to uncover “hidden” resentments and learn what’s really bugging you or others
  • 3 special situations where you should avoid a confrontation at all costs
  • The “escalation scale” — how to prevent disagreements from turning into arguments
  • Steps you can take right now to “repair” relationships damaged by past conflicts
  • The secret to keeping poise and control when everyone around you loses it
  • Emotional “first aid”: innovative practices that help you get control in the crucial first minutes of a crisis
  • Antagonists, blamers, complainers … set yourself free from the traps these tough people set for you
  • “Crisis communicating”: talk your way through even the nastiest conflicts, and reach an acceptable compromise
  • How to predict a problem situation before it reaches the crisis stage — and avert it entirely
  • Self-destructive behaviors: find out how you can be “your own worst enemy”
  • Stress and anger: identify and eliminate your own deadly “triggers”
  • How to transform the negative energy of anger into a positive, productive force (The secret is “channeling”)
  • How your individual personality drives your emotional responses
  • Is it a “put-down” or constructive criticism? How to tell the difference
  • Sinister sarcasm: how to deal with someone who veils insults with flattery
  • How to relax — quick! 5 minutes is all you need to relieve the tension and anxiety of conflict
  • “Placing blame”: how this common, destructive habit can lead you to disaster
  • Understand about physical symptoms of anger — know them, and you’ll be able to “warn yourself” of an impending emotional surge


Training Online, Two Days Online Training :

  1. Via Aplikasi Zoom : Rp 3.500.000,- (Tiga Juta Lima Ratus Ribu Rupiah)

Training Offline, Two Days Offline Training :

  1. Jakarta : Rp 5.000.000,- (Lima Juta Rupiah)
  2. Bandung : Rp 6.000.000,- (Enam Juta Rupiah)

Ket : Hotel Ibis Arcadia/Hotel Dreamtel / Hotel Hi / Hotel Blue Sky / Hotel Erian Jakarta


Training Online

  1. Soft Copy Materi (Dikirim By Email)
  2. Seminar Kits (ATK) & Sertifikat Kehadiran (Dikirim Via JNE)

Training Offline

  1. Seminar Kits ( Handcopy Materi + ATK + Souvenir)
  2. Makan Siang
  3. Coffee Break
  4. Sertifikat


  1. Tanggal 4-5 Januari 2023
  2. Tanggal 6-7 Februari 2023
  3. Tanggal 6-7 Maret 2023
  4. Tanggal 5-6 April 2023
  5. Tanggal 4-5 Mei 2023
  6. Tanggal 5-6 Juni 2023
  7. Tanggal 5-6 Juli 2023
  8. Tanggal 7-8 Agustus 2023
  9. Tanggal 6-7 September 2023
  10. Tanggal 4-5 Oktober 2023
  11. Tanggal 6-7 November 2023
  12. Tanggal 6-7 Desember 2023

*Jadwal Training masih tentative running apabila telah mencapai quota