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Performance Analisys And Operating Of Induction Motor For Senior Operator and Junior Supervisor (BANDUNG)

Performance Analisys And Operating Of Induction Motor For Senior Operator and Junior Supervisor (BANDUNG)


24 Jan 2023-27 Jan 2023
21 Feb 2023-24 Feb 2023
13 Mar 2023-16 Mar 2023
10 Apr 2023-13 Apr 2023
15 May 2023-18 May 2023
06 Jun 2023-09 Jun 2023
25 Jul 2023-28 Jul 2023
01 Aug 2023-04 Aug 2023
26 Sep 2023-29 Sep 2023
24 Oct 2023-27 Oct 2023
13 Nov 2023-16 Nov 2023
05 Dec 2023-08 Dec 2023

Hotel Kagum Group Bandung (Golden Flower, Banana Inn, Grand Seriti, Carrcadin, Amaroossa, Grand Serela, Gino Feruci, Verona Palace, Malaka, Zodiac Taurus)

This training will be presented for the senior technician or junior supervisor. Induction motor as a driver mechanic most dominant than other electric motors in the production process in industries. It must be ensured that these motors must be able to function reliably during the production process, namely, for 24 hours a day. Therefore, to ensure reliable operation is always to serve the production process, the motor must be operated according to proper procedures and a hearing is protected. If there are detected decreased motor performance of its instrumentation panel, it can be known through its performance analysis.

During the training, presentation of the materials will be presented in a comprehensive manner, through the method of presentation of these things easily lead to a more complex, and practically based to a critical analysis.

After completing this training, at the end of the activities you will be able to explain clearly about the analysis of performance and operation of the induction motor.


  • Function of induction motor parts
  • Three phase rotating field
  • Starting of motor
  • Develop of torque
  • Characteristics of no load
  • Name plate data interpretation
  • Characteristics of loading
  • Brake horse power and efficiency
  • Block rotor test
  • Equivalent circuit
  • Protection of motor


  • Question – answer
  • Discussion
  • Adult education.
  • Presentation is associated with the experience of participants



  1. Rp 8.500.000/person (full fare)  or
  2. Rp 8.250.000/person (early bird, payment 1 week before training)  or
  3. Rp 7.950.000/person (if there are 3 or more participants from the same company)


  1. Training Module
  2. Flashdisk contain training material
  3. Certificate
  4. NoteBook and Ballpoint
  5. T-Shirt
  6. Backpack
  7. Training Foto
  8. Training room with full ac facilities and multimedia
  9. Lunch and twice coffee break everyday of training
  10. Qualified Instructor
  11. Transportation from hotel of participants to hotel of training VV (if minimal participants from the same company is 4 )

Brayan Munthe, MT. and Team
Brayan Munthe was born in May 26th 1954. He got his education from electrical engineering IKIP Padang, then diploma of technical teacher training Hawthorn Institute of Education, Melbourne, and his master program from electrical engineering universitas gadjah mada, UGM Yogyakarta. He has followed many courses in Indonesia and also abroad to improve his capabilities. He is lecturer at politeknik TEDC and also at electrical department technical education development center Bandung. He has field experiences because he has done some projects in some companies in Indonesia related to his competencies.