Key Account Management (BANDUNG)

Key Account Management (BANDUNG)


  • 19 Sep 2022-20 Sep 2022
  • 17 Oct 2022-18 Oct 2022
  • 28 Nov 2022-29 Nov 2022
  • 12 Dec 2022-13 Dec 2022

Hotel Kagum Group Bandung (Golden Flower, Banana Inn, Grand Seriti, Carrcadin, Amaroossa, Grand Serela, Gino Feruci, Verona Palace, Malaka, Zodiac Taurus)

After following this course participants will be able to understand What skills are essential for Key Account Managers, what are the key challenges and how do the most successful companies respond to them, How can develop the kind of synergy with our key customers that will enable the seller and the buyer together to create value in the market place, etc.


  1. Introduction
  2. Challenges
  3. The critical new interfaces for sales
  4. Customer power
  5. What is a Key Account?
  6. Customer account profitability analysis
  7. Creating closer relationships with supply chain partners
  8. Preliminary selection of key accounts
  9. Strategic Purchasing
  10. The key customer portfolio
  11. Selecting and categorising customers by potential
  12. Key Account Analysis


  • Rp. 4.500.000/person (full fare) or
  • Rp. 4.250.000/person (early bird, payment 1 week before training) or
  • Rp. 3.950.000/person (if there are 3 persons or more from the same company)


  1. Training Module
  2. Flash Disk contains training material
  3. Certificate
  4. Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint
  5. T-Shirt
  6. Backpack
  7. Training Photo
  8. Training room with full AC facilities and multimedia
  9. Lunch and twice coffeebreak everyday of training
  10. Qualified instructor
  11. Transportation for participants from hotel of participants to/from hotel of training (if minimal number of participants from one company is 4 persons)

Achmad Fadjar, SE, MM.Ak, sarjana dan master lulusan Universitas Padjadjaran adalah praktisi serta konsultan senior dalam bidang Akunting, Finance, Marketing dan HR Training & Development. Telah lebih dari sepuluh tahun beliau sebagai praktisi dan pengajar, telah banyak membantu para klien dalam membuka wawasan dan menyelesaikan tugas-tugas pekerjaan dengan effective dan effisien. Pengalaman sekian lama telah mengantar beliau dalam penguasaan berbagai topik ilmu antara lain Effective Presentation & Negotiation Skill, Interpersonal Skill and Communication Skill , Leadership & Team Development for Management Success , SDM Berbasis Kompetensi , Outsourcing Management, Tender & Contract System , Financial & Budgeting serta banyak lagi topik lainnya.