Gas Processing And Equipment (BANDUNG)
- 23 Jan 2023-26 Jan 2023
- 20 Feb 2023-23 Feb 2023
- 06 Mar 2023-09 Mar 2023
- 10 Apr 2023-13 Apr 2023
- 08 May 2023-11 May 2023
- 05 Jun 2023-08 Jun 2023
- 24 Jul 2023-27 Jul 2023
- 07 Aug 2023-10 Aug 2023
- 25 Sep 2023-28 Sep 2023
- 23 Oct 2023-26 Oct 2023
- 06 Nov 2023-09 Nov 2023
- 04 Dec 2023-07 Dec 2023
Hotel Kagum Group Bandung (Golden Flower, Banana Inn, Grand Seriti, Carrcadin, Amaroossa, Grand Serela, Gino Feruci, Verona Palace, Malaka, Zodiac Taurus)
- Hydrocarbon properties
- Hands-on Practice with HYSYS: Hydrocarbon Properties
- Amine processes (sweetening)
- Hands-on Practice with HYSYS: Sweetening
- Fractionation & Dehydration
- Fractionation & Hands-on Practice with HYSYS Case Study : Debutanizer/depropanizer
- Introduction to Process Equipment : Compressors + Hands on Practice with Hysis
- Introduction to Process Equipment : Heat Exchangers + Hands on Practice with Hysis
- Refrigeration
- Hands-on Practice with HYSYS Case Study : Refrigeration
- LPG Processing
- Hands-on Practice with HYSYS Case Study : LPG Processing
- Introduction to Mercury Garbed
- “Flash Calculation”: Theory and Hands-On Using HYSIS
- Full WellHead : Allocation by component
- Dehydration
- Discussion
- Rp. 8.950.000/person (full fare) or
- Rp. 8.750.000/person (early bird, payment 1 week before training) or
- Rp. 8.500.000/person (if there are 3 persons or more from the same company)
- Training Module
- Flash Disk contains training material
- Certificate
- Stationeries: NoteBook and Ballpoint
- T-Shirt
- Backpack
- Training Photo
- Training room with full AC facilities and multimedia
- Lunch and twice coffeebreak everyday of training
- Qualified instructor
- Transportation for participants from hotel of participants to/from hotel of training (if minimal number of participants from one company is 4 persons)
Dr.Eng.Ir. Azis Trianto,M.Sc. dilahirkan di Pekalongan 1 Februari 1969, Posisi akademik beliau sekarang sebagai Assistant Professor pada departemen Teknik Kimia ITB. Beliau menamatkan Sarjana di Departemen Teknik Kimia ITB, Masternya dari Departemen Kimia Tokyo Institute of Technology Jepang, Doktor diambilnya dari deapartemen Teknik Kimia Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Jepang, dan beliau juga sempat mengambil Post Doctoralnya di Japan society for promotion of science fellow, Departemen Teknik Kimia Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology Jepang. Dari tahun 2008 sampai sekarang beliau adalah ketua Graduate Program pada Departemen Teknik Kimia ITB. Di kampusnya beliau mengasuh mata kuliah termodinamika, material & energy balance, chemical reaction engineering, utility system, separation process, chemical process safety & chemical process design. Beberapa penelitian beliau, diantaranya hydrogen recovery from off-gas, propylene synthesis by propane dehydrogenation, synthesis of higher hydrocarbons from methane, gas separation using membrane, and L-Lactic Acid separation.
Pada tahun 1997 – 2002 beliau sebagai Research Associate pada Center for Research Energy ITB. Pada tahun 1993 – 1994 beliau juga sebagai Research Associate pada Development Technology Center ITB. Beliau telah mengeluarkan banyak papers, mengikuti conferences dan mempunyai beberapa paten diantaranya “Catalytic reactor with porous membrane partition wall, manufacture of chemical substances using same, and reaction apparatus using same,” dan “Metode dan Alat Pengukur Permeabilitas Gas melalui Membran Berpori”. Beliau juga melakukan beberapa tugas, diantaranya “Development of Prototype of a Pilot Two-Stage Domestic Waste Treatment Unit”, “Monitoring on the Release of Hazardous Metal Ions from Battery and Electroplating Industries to Aquifer,”, “Study on CO2 Emission in Industrial Sector in Indonesia,”, “Update on General Specification of PT Badak”. Dr.Eng.Ir. Azis Trianto,M.Sc. sudah sering mengajar training ke banyak perusahaan di Indonesia, untuk topik-topik di bidang kompetensinya seperti QRA and RBI Methodology, Quantitative Risk Assessment, Natural Gas Processing and Process Control, Natural Gas Processing, Occupational Safety and Health, Piping Simulation, Laboratory Management, Gas Processing and equipment, dan lain-lain.