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Basic Insurance

Basic Insurance

20-21 September 2023
05-06 Oktober 2023
09-10 November 2023
26-27 Desember 2023

Jam Pelaksanaan :
09.00 – 16.00 WIB

Tempat :
Alternatif Hotel: Ibis Group, Amos Cozy, The Park Lane, Harris Group, hotel lainnya yang akan kami konfirmasi kemudian

Trainer & Facilitator  (Alternatif) :

  • Mardhianto, SE., CIIB., CRGP.
  • Russel Effandy Ir. AAAI-K. Dipl.CII.
  • Nico Lukum,Dipl.Inc

Tempat :
Alternatif Hotel: Ibis Group, Amos Cozy, The Park Lane, Harris Group, hotel lainnya yang akan kami konfirmasi kemudian

Training Online 12 Jam Pelatihan (2 hari)
Rp. 5.500.000/peserta

Fee Training Premium Class (Jakarta):
Rp. 5.950.000,-/ orang

Fee Training Paket Ekonomis (Jakarta):
Rp. 4.000.000,-/ orang (Minimum 5 peserta)

Paket Luar Kota Jakarta (Jogja, Bali, Surabaya, Bandung, Dll)
Biaya Investasi Privat/ Orang (1 orang FIX Running)
Rp. 12.000.000

Paket Luar Kota Jakarta (Jogja, Bali, Surabaya, Bandung, Dll)
Kelas Umum/ Orang (FIX Running Min 6 Peserta)
Rp. 8.000.000

Manfaat Training:

  • Memahami konsep dan prinsip asuransi
  • Mengenali prosedur asuransi dan cara penerapanya

Materi :

  • Insurance And Risk / General Descriptions
    • Description Of Risk
    • Sifat Dan Fitur Pokok Risiko Dalam Konteks Asuransi
    • Insurable Interest Dan Posisinya Dalam Asuransi
    • Insurable Risk And Insurance
    • Classification Of Risk And The Risk Transfer
    • Description Of Insurance
    • Function And Benefits Of Insurance
    • Insurance Contracts And The Termination
    • Documents In Regulation Of The Insurance Contract
    • Definition Of Insurance
    • Insurer, Insured, Policy Owner And Intermediary
    • Types Of Insurance (Property, Life And Liability Insurance)
    • Segmentation Of Insurance And Insurance Branches
    • Management And Modelling Of Risk
    • Risk Survey And Reporting
  • Basic Rules Of Insurance
    • Law Of Large Numbers
    • Selection Rule
    • Diversification Of The Risk
    • Rate Rule
  • Basic Principles Of Insurance
    • Principle of Utmost Good Faith
    • Principle of Insurable Interest
    • Principle of Indemnity dan penerapannya dalam kontrak asuransi,
    • Principle of Contributionand Subrogation
    • Principle of Proximate Cause dan penerapannya
    • Principle of More than One Insurance
    • Principle of Loss Participation
  • Ethical Standards In Insurance
  • Technical Terms Used In Insurance
  • Prosedur Dan Pertimbangan Underwriting
  • Pengantar Reasuransi

Target Peserta :
Para Pihak Yang terkait