Turbomachinery : Operation, Maintenance And Troubleshooting (BANDUNG)
Diharapkan setelah pelatihan turbomachinery, peserta :
- Mampu mengidentifikasi bagian bagian utama dari turbo machinery
- Memahami prinsip kerja turbomachinery
- Mengetahui prosedur operasi yang efektif
- Mengetahui instrumentasi dan kontrol pada turbomachinery
- Memahami peralatan pendukung turbomachinery
- Mampu menganalisis problem seperti kavitasi, surging, vibrasi
- Mampu mengatasi problem yang terjadi
- Mengetahui prosedur perawatan
- Turbin gas
Prinsip kerja turbin gas
Komponen komponen utama (kompresor, ruang bakar, turbin gas, rotor, sudu rotor)
Prosedur operasi pada turbin gas
Prestasi atau unjuk kerja pada turbin gas
Peralatan pendukung pada turbin gas (sistem starting, sistem pelumasan, sistem bahan bakar, sistem udara pemasukan )
Chooking fenomena, surging, dan vibrasi pada turbin gas
Instrumentasi dan kontrol
Trouble shooting pada turbin gas
Perawatan pada turbin gas - Turbin Uap
Prinsip kerja turbin uap
Komponen komponen pada turbin uap
Prosedur operasi
Prestasi turbin uap
Sistem pelumasan pada turbin uap
Instrumentasi, kontrol dan peralatan proteksi pada turbin uap
Trouble shooting - Pompa dan Kompresor
Prinsip kerja pompa dan kompresor
Komponen komponen pompa dan kompresor
Prosedur operasi pompa dan kompresor
Prestasi pompa dan kompresor
Chooking fenomena, surging, kavitasi dan vibrasi pada pompa dan kompresor
Instrumentasi dan kontrol
Trouble shooting
Perawatan pada pompa dan kompresor
INSTRUCTOR : Ir. Maridjo,MT. and team
VENUE :Kagum Group Hotel Bandung (Golden Flower, Banana Inn, Serela, Gino Feruci), Amaroossa Hotel, Noor Hotel, Grand Setiabudi Hotel, dll
18-21 Desember 2023
Rp. 8.500.000/person (full fare) or
Rp. 8.250.000/person (early bird, payment 1 week before training) or
Rp. 7.950.000/person (if there are 3 persons or more from the same company)
- Modul Training
- Flashdisk Training berisimateri training
- Sertifikat
- ATK: NoteBookdan Ballpoint
- T-Shirt
- Ransel
- Foto Training
- Ruang Training denganfasilitas Full AC dan multimedia
- Makansiangdan 2 kali coffeebreak
- Instruktur yang Qualified
- Transportasiuntukpesertadari hotel penginapanke hotel tempat training – PP (jikapeserta minimal darisatuperusahaanada 4 peserta)
Ir. Maridjo,MT. is alumnus from Mechanical Engineering Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB). He has been lecturer at PEDC and now as lecturer at mechanical engineering Polytechnique ITB (POLBAN). Ir. Maridjo has taught many topics related to his expertise to many companies in Indonesia, such as predictive and preventive maintenance, lubrication system, diesel machine, pump, gas turbine, piping and pipeline, compressor, boiler, and many others. Many participants from companies have been trained and collaborated with him such as Chevron, Semen Gresik, semen Baturaja, Pertamina, Pusri, GGPC, employee of Qatar and lybia oil and gas company, UP IV Balonganpertamina, PT. Indocement, some PLTA, some hotels, PT.PupukKujang, PT.BioFarma, BPPT, PT. BintangAgung, some other oil and gas companies in Indonesia and etc. Ir.Maridjo has been researching and publishing the results on his core competencies on academics standing.