Training Financial Modeling and Decision Analysis
Financial modeling covers a wide area from simple sheets to add up expenses to sophisticated risk modeling for projects. This course of FINANCIAL MODELING & DECISION ANALYSIS will start by introducing the use of powerful simulation software (@RISK and Risk Simulator) in financial analysis and simulation. These newly gained skills will be applied in the construction of basic company valuation models, before incorporating risk modeling, scenarios, optimisation and forecasting into the models, and finally exercising the real option analysis for real case studies.
Through a proven step-by-step approach, delegates will leave this intensive two-day course with the ability to effectively apply modeling techniques easily in a wide range of practical scenarios for better decision making process and result.
- Introduction to @RISK
- Getting started with @RISK
- Understanding distribution and stochastic model
- Finding confidence interval for expected profit: Exercising with News person problems
- Tornado graphs and scenario for simulating new product, Hippo example
- Exercise: Determining Plant Capacity
- Utility theory and simulation
- Interpreting tornado graph : exercised by simulating development of new drug
- Financial Statement, Cash Flow and Valuation Modelling
- Three stage valuation model
- Modeling Key Drivers of Firm Value
- Incorporating Simulation into Proforma Models
Case Studies:
- Forecasting Growth of Grocery Market
- Modeling the Profitability of Batmobile Sales
- Simulation new product under certainty of market variables (quantity, price, competitor, market shares, etc).
- Project finance and project appraisal models
- IRR and NPV Distribution
- Interpreting the probability of return and risk
Case Study:
- Oil and Gas Exploration and Production
- Pharmaceutical and Biotech Deal Structuring
- Optimization
- The lingo of optimization
- Optimization under uncertainty
- Portfolio Optimization
- Bootstrapping to Future Annual Returns
- Minimize Risk of Portfolio (Standard Deviation)
- Finding the Efficient Frontier
- Minimizing the Probability of a Loss
- An Introduction to Genetic Algorithms
- Maximizing the Sharpe Ratio
- Minimizing Downside Risk
Case Study:
- Stochastic Optimization and Valuation Models to Evaluate the Credit Risk of Corporate Restructuring
- Efficient frontier
- Discrete project selection
- Continues portfolio optimization
- Real Option Analysis
- What Are Real Options?
- The Real Options Solution in a Nutshell
- Issues to Consider
- Implementing Real Options Analysis
Case Study:
- Value a Lease on a Gold Mine
- Understanding Risk and Optimal Timing in a Real Estate Development Using Real Options Analysis
- Manufacturing and Sales in the Automotive Aftermarket
This course has been designed for:
- Analysts – Financial, Business, Investment Analysts
- Planners – Strategic, Business and Financial Planners
- Finance Directors, CFOs,Financial Controllers
- Project Finance Professionals
- Commercial Managers
- Business Development / Sales /Marketing Managers
- Insolvency Professionals
- Risk & Treasury Professionals
- Investment Professionals & Portfolio Managers
- Model Auditors
- Senior Managers who review other people’s models
Training Online, Two Days Online Training :
- Via Aplikasi Zoom : Rp 3.500.000,- (Tiga Juta Lima Ratus Ribu Rupiah)
Training Offline, Two Days Offline Training :
- Jakarta : Rp 5.000.000,- (Lima Juta Rupiah)
- Bandung : Rp 6.000.000,- (Enam Juta Rupiah)
Ket : Hotel Ibis Arcadia/Hotel Dreamtel / Hotel Hi / Hotel Blue Sky / Hotel Erian Jakarta
Training Online
- Soft Copy Materi (Dikirim By Email)
- Seminar Kits (ATK) & Sertifikat Kehadiran (Dikirim Via JNE)
Training Offline
- 1. Seminar Kits ( Handcopy Materi + ATK + Souvenir)
- Makan Siang
- Coffee Break
- Sertifikat
- Tanggal 24-25 Januari 2023
- Tanggal 20-21 Februari 2023
- Tanggal 20-21 Maret 2023
- Tanggal 19-20 April 2023
- Tanggal 22-23 Mei 2023
- Tanggal 19-20 Juni 2023
- Tanggal 20-21 Juli 2023
- Tanggal 23-24 Agusutus 2023
- Tanggal 20-21 September 2023
- Tanggal 18-19 Oktober 2023
- Tanggal 22-23 November 2023
- Tanggal 20-21 Desember 2023
*Jadwal Training masih tentative running apabila telah mencapai quota