Seminar Online : Leadership Training Series (Durasi 6 Jam)

Seminar Online : Leadership Training Series (Durasi 6 Jam)

Leadership Training Series !! Jadwal Training Online (1 Peserta pasti Running) Selama Pandemi. Kami siap menyelenggarakan training untuk 1 on 1

Untuk investasinya sebagai berikut :
Fullday (1 hari ) Rp. 3.500.000,- dilaksanakan online (1 Peserta pasti running)
Fullday (2 hari) Rp. 5.500.000,- dilaksanakan online (1 Peserta pasti running)

Berikut adalah jadwal training yang bisa Anda pilih :

  1. Effective Leadership
  2. Shopfloor Leadership
  3. Supervisory Management
  4. Advance Supervisory Management
  5. Managerial Skill
  6. Young Managers Development Program
  7. The Way of Thinking – Through Creative & Rational Thinking
  8. Problem Solving & Decision Making (PROSDEM)
  9. Creative Thinking (Teknik Berpikir Kreatif )
  10. Effective Communication
  11. Interpersonal Communication & Assertiveness Skill
  12. Sistim Komunikasi Organisasi Model HORENSO
  13. Influence People
  14. Coaching & Counseling Skill
  15. Teamwork Era New Normal
  16. Change Management
  17. Time Management
  18. Stress Management At Work
  19. Conflict & Crisis Management
  20. Effective Meeting
  21. Managing People
  22. Emotional Intelligence (EQ) & Produktivitas Kerja
  23. Competency Achievement & Action
  24. Competency The Impact & Influence
  25. Competency Helping & Human Service
  26. Competency Managerial Skill
  27. Competency Personal Effectiveness
  28. Competency Cognitive
  29. 7 Kebiasaan Efektif Professional
  30. Great Leadership
  31. Effective Decision Making Technique
  32. Analytical Creative Thinking
  33. Buildings Initiative For Professional At Work
  34. Leadership And Managerial Skill
  35. Lebih Creative Menghadapi Paradigma Baru Akibat Pandemi
  36. Agile Leaderin Vuca Situation
  37. Effective Teamwork

Jangan sungkan untuk menghubungi kami, kami siap membantu menyiapkan dan menyediakan pelatihan yang Anda ingin selenggarakan.